History of Amphetamine / Methamphetamine Drug Use and Abuse

courtesy erowid.org

Jan 18, 1887       Amphetamine was first synthesized by German chemist L. Edeleano and originally named phenylisopropylamine.

1919        Methamphetamine, more potent and easy to make, was discovered in Japan.

1930’s        Amphetamines are first marketed as ‘benzedrine’ in an over-the-counter inhaler to treat congestion.

1937        Amphetamine is first available in tablet form by prescription for use in the treatment of narcolepsy and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

World War II        Amphetamine widely distributed to soldiers to help them keep fighting.

1942        Dextro-amphetamine and methamphetamine become commonly available.

wwww1970        Amphetamine becomes illegal with the passage of the ‘U.S. Drug Abuse Regulation and Control Act of 1970’.

This methamphetamine time line provided by Narconon International.

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