Learning about the Effects of Drugs
Who should learn about the effects of drugs?
- A young person should learn about these effects before he or she ever touches a drug.
- A parent that knows the effects of these drugs can explain the dangers to his or her children.
- Community members can arm themselves with full knowledge of the effects of drugs and then pass this information on to other community members.
- Educators and counselors can strengthen their drug-free messages by knowing the exact harm that can result from each drug.
Below, you will find links to the many pages on our website that deal with the harmful or even fatal effects of these drugs. Please feel free to pass this information on to anyone else who can use it to protect or even save lives.
Drug Effects
- Alcohol effects
- Ambien effects (Zolpidem)
- Amphetamine effects
- Bath Salt effects (Cathinones)
- Barbiturate effects (Seconal, Nembutal)
- Benzodiazepine effects (Valium, Xanax)
- Cathinone effects
- Club Drug effects (Ecstasy, Ketamine)
- Cocaine effects
- Crack Cocaine effects
- Codeine effects
- Desomorphine effects (Krokodil)
- Dextromethorphan effects (Cough medicine)
- Dilaudid effects
- Ecstasy effects
- Fentanyl effects
- Hashish effects
- Heroin effects
- Hydromorphone effects (Dilaudid)
- Ice effects (Methamphetamine)
- Inhalant effects
- Khat effects
- Kratom effects
- LSD effects
- Marijuana effects
- MDPV effects
- Mescaline effects
- Methamphetamine effects
- Methadone effects
- Methylone effects
- Morphine effects
- Oxycodone effects (OxyContin)
- Oxymorphone effects (Opana)
- PCP effects
- Piperazine effects
- Prescription Drug effects
- Prescription Pain Pill effects (Lortab, Vicodin)
- Purple Drank effects (Cough medicine)
- Rohypnol & GHB effects
- Sedative effects
- Soma effects (Carisoprodol)
- Spice effects (K2, Synthetic marijuana)
- Suboxone effects (Buprenorphine)
- Synthetic Drug effects
- Tramadol effects
- Tranquilizer effects
- Valium effects
- Vicodin effects
- Xanax effects

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