Without This Program, My Life Would Never Have Changed

Since being in this program, I’ve felt that I’ve been given an opportunity to lead a new life.
I started the program with vitamins which got my body stabilized and gave me more energy and this helped me get my new life going.
Right from the beginning of this program, I was never alone. I always had someone by my side helping me with my withdrawal. Knowing I was not alone, I quickly gained confidence and wanted to help myself and also let others help me.
Once I was feeling better, the next step was the sauna. The sauna helped get the toxic residues out of my body. At first, it was hard, but each day it got easier. My body began to feel better and more alive. I began to look at life in a different way. I was happier and had more energy to do things like play sports, talk to people and, most importantly, I smiled more. Thanks to the sauna, my body was back to normal. I felt great, I felt healthier, I had more energy—I felt alive again.
“… there are far better things in life than
falling into an addiction.”
During the Life Skills courses, I learned a lot. I discovered the optimum steps to take in my life and, most importantly, I was able to let go of the many negative things I had been holding onto. It made me realize that there are far better things in life than falling into an addiction.
I am so thankful to Narconon. Without this program, my life would never have changed.
Thank you, Narconon.